The home of Multi Crew Experience
The home of Multi Crew Experience

Q: What is Multi Crew Experience?

A: Multi Crew Experience is a new add-on to the award winning, Microsoft Flight Simulator X, and FS2004® software. It adds the missing elements, like crew coordination, interactive checklist reading, realistic ATC operation, call-outs and warnings against deviation from standards, as well as extras, like user interface voice control.

Q: Who may benefit from this application:

A: Anyone who wants to make the home flight simulation experience as real as it can get. Trainee pilots can use it as a tool, to practice multi crew interaction and ATC phraseology.

One of the bad aspects of home flight simulation, is that it makes you breed bad habits, like trying to fly a B747 on your own, or looking for keyboard key strokes to interact with ATC.

For non native English speakers, this constitutes a great practice tool. If you are seeking an international career, as an airline pilot, you must interact well with other crew members, in English. What better tool to boost your confidence!

Q: How does it work?

A: Multi Crew Experience builds on Microsoft SAPI 5® outstanding technology, that brings speech recognition, as well as speech synthesis to the windows® platform. We have choosen a modular design, that allows you to use, some, or all the features, according to your needs. This makes it easier to integrate. It will also play nicely, when used alongside other third party add-ons. It is fully multithreaded, and was designed with performance in mind.

Q: What are the system requirements?

A: The requirements are the same as those specified for running Microsoft Flight Smulator X, or Microsoft Flight Smulator 2004, depending on which simulator version you use, plus a decent sound card( even onboard one) as well as a headset with good quality microphone.

Q: Does it need FSUIPC?

A: No, there is no need for FSUIPC. Neither there is need for Simconnect. We have developed our own DLL, that runs inside the flight simulator process, and provides our application with the kind of information it needs.

Q: Does it require an English version of Windows?

A: No, this application has been tested, and expected to work on almost any language localized version of Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista and even Windows XP.

Q: Do I need to be a native English speaker to use the software?

A: Although it helps, the answer is no. You will be surprised to learn about the poor grasp of the English language among real world pilots around the world. Though you need to know what heading, speed, altitude, flaps...mean. We are talking 200 to 300 words overall.

Q: Can I use MCE with a networked Radar Contact setup:

A: Yes, but because MCE has no way of finding out if RC4 is running or indeed installed, you need to make a few changes to the mce.ini configuration file. Open the file C:\Users\your_user_name\AppData\Roaming\Multi Crew Experience\mce.ini using Notepad. Look at the section titled [ATC], and change things to look like...


Save the file.

The next time you start MCE, it will prompt you to provide the RC4 installation network path. Please do so, and it will be saved.

In a networked scenario, you must make sure Radar contact is started first, flight plan loaded, and "Start RC" button pressed, before attempting to start MCE.

Q: I have built a very strong simulator rig over the years, is there a possibility MCE might mess-up my configuration?

A: The answer is No. MCE installs to the Program Files folder, and the only file we put in the simulator folder is fsInsider.dll. To completely un-install and go back to your original configuration, un-install MCE via Windows Control Panel, and manually delete fsInsider.dll from FSX folder and/or FS9\Modules\ subfolder. We don't even install any .NET framework, because MCE is written the hard way, in native C++, for best performance.

Q: Do i have to be online to use this product?

A: No, this is a desktop application. Therefore you don't need an internet connection to use it.

Q: What is this "DIALOG MODE" thing?

A: Whenever a flight simulator dialog box is displayed (weather dialog, aircraft dialog, etc), MCE switches to "DIALOG MODE", a state where only commands to interact with dialog boxes are enabled. You will not be able to interact with co-pilot in that mode. As soon as the dialog is closed, MCE will revert to "FLIGHT MODE". If for some reason, MCE is stuck in dialog mode, right click the user interface, then select "Force Flight Mode" option in drop down menu.

Q: Does MCE interface with Radar Contact?

A: Starting from Version V2.0 you can interact with Radar Contact ATC entirely by voice.

It also supports PF3 & PFE ATC system.

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